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When it comes to having a website built for your business, there are a few hard truths that you need to be aware of. These include the dwindling patience of website visitors, their reliance on intuition, and their demand for control in browsing. Awareness of these truths as well as adherence to basic design tenets sets a Web design agency Dubai apart from its peers. What are these design principles?
Eliminate/Limit User Decisions
A good Web developer Dubai puts a premium on making a website that has intuitive navigation and architecture. Or in simpler terms, he makes it easier for a user to go from one page to another through the effective use of a structure, visual elements, and links.
Never Waste Users’ Patience
Some websites require their visitors to fill out online forms before they can try a product or access a specific page on the website. The drawback here, especially if the user is still in the exploratory stage, is that these Web forms can put them off, forcing them to close the browser window. Conversely, if the user is impressed with the features he has tried, he’s more likely to provide personal information.
Aiding User Focus
Today’s websites utilize both dynamic and static content. However, some of these elements divert the attention of the user away from others. A seasoned Web designer knows how to make these disparate elements work together while providing subtle cues that help the user to know where to go should he wish to find more information.
Highlighting Features
The effective combination of visual elements and site structure makes it easy for the user to find out the functions that are available on a website. One popular way to do this is to use a 1-2-3-done approach.
Write Effective Copy
Professional Web designers know that print and websites have their distinct differences. For one, images should be used to break up long blocks of text. Users have a tendency to skip over the highlighted text. Copies that read like an advertisement put off users. In short, good and effective copy is one that a user can breeze through.
Adherence to Simplicity
Users can be forgiven for visually unpalatable websites provided that they offer the information they look for. A good Web designer will limit the clutter and highlight what is important: information.
Effective Use of White Space
A newbie may be tempted to fill the screen space with every possible design element and copy. A seasoned designer acknowledges the utility of white space, specifically in helping the user break up the content into manageable chunks.
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