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January 29, 2018
Digital Marketing Agency

The building blocks for a great social media presence

Social media marketing is hard work. There are several components to consider and one wrong move can spell disaster. This is why most brands seek out digital marketing agencies to help them cope. For all you marketers, here are a few basic tips to keep in mind when charting out your brand’s or client’s social media strategy.

Map out your objectives

This is the most important starting point for any project. Figure out what your objectives are. Write them down on a big piece of paper or whiteboard so it’s front and center. Think and decide what the top 5 are and then make sure everything is geared towards meeting those objectives.

Know your audience well

This may seem like a redundant point but you’d be surprised at how many marketers don’t truly understand and know their audience. If I asked you for your target customer, you may be able to give me a couple of generic targeting factors. That’s not enough. You have to get to the nitty-gritty of who you want to be heard by. You have to truly know and understand your customer to be able to speak to them and resonate with them. Mapping out your audience and their expected journey with your brand will help you map out particular objectives and greatly affect your execution.

Challenges and solutions

What challenges do you think you’ll face when building your brand’s presence and content strategy on social media? How would you go ahead with solving these issues? It’s helpful to have problem-solving sessions that only deal with highlighting what the potential hurdles will be. This will again help guide you to reaching your objectives and getting on the right track with your audience. It will also help you prioritize what needs to be fixed and what can possibly wait.

Content strategy

The cornerstone of every social media management Dubai strategy will come down to the kind of content you will produce. This may be your first thought as you get to work on your brand’s social media presence but I’ve kept it as the final point in this post for a reason. Only once your objectives are set in stone, your audience is properly defined and all your roadblocks are either solved or at least known, can you begin to truly work on an effective content strategy. They all work in a cohesive, interdependent manner that comes together to form a wonderful social media presence.

Being a digital marketing agency in Dubai, we have helped brands large and small over the years chart out successful social media presences and campaigns.

Tags: digital marketingdigital marketing companies dubaisocial media agency dubaisocial media agency in dubaisocial media marketing agencies dubai

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