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The current dynamics of Search Engine Optimizations call for the use of clear policies that need to be followed. The rules that have been created exist to provide users with a useful and relevant online experience along with a safe environment for them to browse. To be successful at this often requires constant effort to identify the ever-changing SEO trends and adjust the strategy accordingly to adapt to the algorithm developments and modifications.
Whilst this might be the right way to go about achieving a higher ranking on search engines that attracts organic and authentic traffic to the website, there are techniques adopted with the intention of manipulating the search engines and breaching their terms of service. This is known as black hat SEO techniques. The prolonged use of such techniques can often cause the business massive penalties including the possibility of site blacklisting.
Here are some of the Don’ts of SEO practices to help you understand what strategies to avoid.
Don’t Use irrelevant keywords
The use of unrelated keywords in the website content can be tempting but this idea is unlikely to work because Google can now identify the real content on a page. Instead, fill your site with genuine content that is relevant to the visitor and will be useful.
Don’t Plagiarize content for articles
Coming up with fresh content ideas can be challenging however taking existing articles and manually playing around with the order, title and a few basic words is a big mistake because the site can get penalized for duplicate content. Therefore, although it may be expensive and time-consuming to get new content for articles or blog posts in the short term, it will prove to be beneficial in the long run due to increased site optimization.
Don’t Use invisible text
The classic strategy of disguising keywords and links by making it the same color as the background should be completely avoided because it violates most search engines’ guidelines which can ultimately cause the site to get blacklisted.
Don’t Bait and Switch
This strategy revolves around replacing the content of an indexed and ranked site with completely different content, allowing it to temporarily rank high. Whilst this technique may work in the short term, eventually, the search engine will identify the mismatch and drop the rankings immediately.
Ultimately, being aware of such techniques is extremely crucial if you are looking for a long-term investment as opposed to quick financial gains with regard to your site. Choosing to use ethical SEO practices can help your business improve its reputation and enjoy a higher organic ranking on search engines.
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